Educational Activity Books


Welcome to A Genius in Disguise

At A Genius in Disguise, we believe in the power of education and the importance of giving back to our community. We are a unique organization dedicated to creating educational activity books that inspire and educate, while also making a significant impact on the lives of veterans through our innovative housing initiatives. Our mission and vision are the driving forces behind everything we do, and we are proud to share our story with you.

Mission Statement:

Our mission is to provide sustainable, affordable housing solutions for veterans by repurposing shipping containers into comfortable, secure homes. We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for veterans and their families through innovative housing projects and supportive community services.

Vision Statement:

Our vision is a world where every veteran has access to safe and dignified housing, empowering them to lead fulfilling and independent lives. We aim to be a leader in innovative housing solutions, setting a standard for sustainable and affordable living.


Who We Are

A Genius in Disguise is more than just an educational resource provider. We are a passionate team of content creators and community advocates who believe in the dual mission of fostering learning and supporting our veterans. Our journey began with a simple idea: to create engaging and educational activity books for all ages. However, we wanted our work to have a broader impact, leading us to integrate a philanthropic component into our business model.


Our Educational Activity Books

Our educational activity books are designed to stimulate young minds and encourage a love of learning. We cover a wide range of subjects, including history, geography, the environment and the arts, making learning fun and interactive. Each book is carefully crafted to ensure that it is both educational and entertaining, with activities that challenge and engage all ages.

Features of Our Activity Books:

  • Interactive Learning: Our books are filled with puzzles, games, and activities that make learning an active and enjoyable process.
  • Diverse Subjects: We cover a wide range of topics to cater to different interests and educational needs.
  • Inclusivity: Our books are designed to be accessible to all ages, with activities that cater to various learning styles and abilities.


Our Commitment to Veterans

A Genius in Disguise is committed to making a difference in the lives of veterans. We recognize the sacrifices they have made for our country and believe it is our duty to support them in their time of need. That’s why a portion of the profits from every activity book sold goes directly towards building sustainable, affordable housing for veterans using repurposed shipping containers.

Why Shipping Containers?

Shipping containers offer a unique and innovative solution to the housing crisis faced by many veterans. They are:

  • Sustainable: Repurposing shipping containers is an environmentally friendly way to provide housing. It reduces waste and promotes the reuse of materials.
  • Affordable: Shipping container homes are cost-effective to build and maintain, making them an ideal solution for affordable housing.
  • Durable: These containers are built to withstand harsh conditions, ensuring that the homes we create are safe and secure.
  • Customizable: Shipping containers can be transformed into comfortable living spaces with all the necessary amenities.


Our Housing Projects

Our housing projects are designed with the needs of veterans in mind. Each home is equipped with modern amenities and provides a comfortable, secure living environment. We work closely with architects and builders who specialize in shipping container construction to ensure that each home meets our high standards of quality and safety.

Supportive Community Services:

In addition to providing housing, we are committed to offering supportive services to help veterans transition to civilian life. These services include:

  • Job Training and Employment Assistance: We provide resources and support to help veterans find meaningful employment.
  • Counseling and Mental Health Services: We direction to counseling and mental health services that support veterans’ well-being.
  • Community Building: We foster a sense of community among our residents, providing opportunities for social interaction and mutual support.


How You Can Help

There are several ways you can support our mission and make a difference in the lives of veterans:

  • Purchase Our Activity Books: Every purchase helps fund our housing projects and supports our mission.
  • Donate: Contributions of any size are greatly appreciated and go directly towards our housing initiatives and supportive services.
  • Volunteer: We welcome volunteers who want to contribute their time and skills to our projects.


Join Us in Making a Difference

At A Genius in Disguise, we believe that education and community support can transform lives. By choosing our activity books, you are not only investing in the education of young minds but also helping to provide veterans with the housing and support they deserve. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Thank you for supporting our mission and vision. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of veterans and their families.

For more information or to get involved, please contact us below.